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Hypertrophic pseudomass

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Hypertrophic area of liver that is surrounded by atrophic, fibrotic liver parenchyma and may at imaging have a bulging appearance.

LI-RADS Categorization:

  • Observations thought to definitely represent hypertrophic pseudomasses should be categorized LR-1.
  • Observations thought to probably represent hypertrophic pseudomasses should be categorized LR-2.
  • Observations that are indeterminate for hypertrophic pseudomasses versus HCC should be categorized LR-3 or LR-4.



  • In comparison to surrounding more fibrotic liver, hypertrophic pseudomasses usually are
    • mildly T1 hyperintense
    • mildly T2 hypointense
    • iso- or hypoenhanced in the delayed phase
  • Hypertrophic pseudomasses may have greater fat deposition than surrounding liver
  • Hypertrophic pseudomasses are seen more frequently in certain etiologies of cirrhosis (PSC, Budd Chiari, alcoholic liver disease) and cirrhosis complicated by chronic portal vein occlusion.

Pitfalls, Challenges, Differential DIagnosis:

  • Hypertrophic pseudomasses need to be differentiated from expansile masses.
  • Imaging features that favor hypertrophic pseudomass over expansile mass:
  • Multiplanar images (source or reformatted) may help correctly characterize observations as hypertrophic pseudomasses by showing preserved hepatic architecture and undistorted vessels.

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