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RID: RID39451


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Temporal reduction in enhancement from hyperenhancement in the arterial phase to isoenhancement in later phases.
  • Applies to observations that, relative to liver, are hyperenhanced in the arterial phase and
    • Iso-enhanced in portal venous phase and delayed phase OR
    • Have faint residual hyperenhancement in the portal venous phase and isoenhancement in the delayed phase OR
    • Have faint residual hyperenhancement in both the portal venous and the delayed phase.
  • Does not apply to observations that are iso- or hypoenhanced relative to liver in the arterial phase, even if isoenhanced in the portal venous phase or delayed phase.
  • In the cirrhotic liver, this pattern favors neither benignity nor HCC, and additional features should be evaluated to determine the appropriate LI-RADS category.
    • Rationale: this pattern may be observed with perfusion alterations (e.g., arterio-portal shunts), some small hemangiomas (more frequently at CT than MRI), FNH-like lesions, some dysplastic nodules, and some small HCCs.

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