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RID: RID39149

Mosaic architecture

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Observation that appears to consist of nodules or compartments with differing appearances (enhancement, attenuation, intensity).  This term can also be applied to lesions with internal enhancing septations. The nodules, compartments, or septations appear randomly distributed within the observation.
  • Mosaic architecture is an ancillary feature favoring malignancy.
    • Mosaic architecture specifically favors HCC as opposed to malignancy in general
    • Radiologists at their discretion may apply mosaic architecture to upgrade category (up to LR-4) for such masses.
If unsure about feature:
  • Do not characterize as mosaic architecture


Potential pitfalls and challenges
  • For masses with mosaic architecture, include the entire mass in the diameter measurement, not just the internal nodule(s) or compartment(s).

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