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Diameter ≥ 20mm

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  • Diameter should be measured in the sequence or phase in which the margins are most sharply demarcated and in which there is no anatomic distortion. If margins are sharply demarcated on more than one sequence or phase, do not measure in the arterial phase.
    • Rationale: apparent diameter in the arterial phase is variable, depending on exact timing of image acquisition. Also, perilesional enhancement in the arterial phase might be misconstrued as part of hyperenhancing mass.

If unsure about feature:


  • Rationale: A threshold of > 20 mm in size was originally used in earlier TNM staging systems for T (tumor size) staging and by multiple imaging criteria (EASL, AASLD, etc) developed in and outside the United States for the diagnosis of HCC.  A threshold size of 20 mm is also important for defining UNOS stage 2 HCC.
  • Unlike UNOS/OPTN, LI-RADS does not further distinguish between masses > 20 mm that are either smaller or larger than 5 cm.


Danet IM et al, Spectrum of MRI Appearances of untreated metastases of the liver. AJR Am J Roentgenol 2003; 181(3): 809-17

Cruite I et al, Imaging-based diagnostic systems for hepatocellular carcinoma. AJR Am J Roentgenol 2013; 201():41-55.

Wald C et al, New OPTN/UNOS Policy for Liver Transplant Allocation: Standardization of Liver Imaging, Diagnosis, Classification, and Reporting of Hepatocellular Carcinoma. Radiology 2013; 266(2):376-382


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