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Arterial phase hyperenhancement

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Enhancement in the arterial phase that unequivocally is greater than that of liver.

If unsure about arterial phase hyperenhancement:


  • Synonyms:Arterial hypervascularity, Hypervascularity in the arterial phaseIncreased contrast enhancement in late hepatic arterial phase, Hypervascularity, High attenuation area in the arterial phaseContrast uptake in the arterial phase
  • Preferred term: Arterial phase hyperenhancement
  • Rationale for preferred term: 
    • Term is applicable to both CT and MR imaging.
    • Term is a descriptor of the appearance of the observation rather than a description of the possible underlying physiology, such as vascularity


  • Applies to observations that, in the arterial phase, unequivocally:
    • enhance, in whole or in part, more than liver and
    • are higher, in whole or in part, in attenuation or intensity than liver
  • Arterial phase hyperenhancement is a LI-RADS major feature used to categorize masses that are neither definite benign entities nor probable benign entities and that lack features of non-HCC malignancy or tumor in vein. For such masses, those with arterial phase hyperenhancement may be categorized LR-3, LR-4, or LR-5, depending on diameter and other features. As shown in Table, only masses with arterial phase hyperenhancement can be categorized LR-5.
  • At MRI, for observations that are hyper-intense pre-contrast, post-processing with generation of subtraction images may be helpful for characterization of arterial phase hyperenhancement.
    • For subtractions to be valid, arterial phase and pre-contrast images need to be co-registered and acquired with the same technique.
  • Forner A. Diagnosis of hepatic nodules 20mm or smaller in cirrhosis: prospective validation of the noninvasive diagnostic criteria for HCC. Hepatology 2008
  • Bruix J. Management of HCC. Hepatology 2005. 
  • Sangiovanni A. The diagnostic and economic impact of contrast imaging technique in the diagnosis of small HCC in cirrhosis. Gut 2010
  • Yu JS. Contrast enhancement of small HCC: usefulness of three successive early image acquisitions during multiphase dynamic MRI.AJR 1999 
  • Forner A. Diagnosis of hepatic nodules 20mm or smaller in cirrhosis: prospective validation of the noninvasive diagnostic criteria for HCC. Hepatology 2008 
  • Khalili KT. Implementation of AASLD HCC practice guideline in north America: two years of experience. Hepatology 2008 
  • Sangiovanni A. The diagnostic and economic impact of contrast imaging technique in the diagnosis of small HCC in cirrhosis. Gut 2010 
  • Shapiro RS. Detection of HCC in cirrhotic patients: sensitivity of CT and US. J Ultrasound Med 1996
  • Lim JH. Detection of HCC and dysplastic nodules in cirrhotic livers: accuracy of helical CT in transplant patients. AJR 2000
  • Peterson MS. Pretransplantation surveillance for possible HCC in patients with cirrhosis: epidemiology and CT-based tumor detection rate in 430 cases with surgical pathological correlation. Radiology 2000 
  • Marrero JA. Improving the prediction of HCC in cirrhotic patients with an arterially-enhancing liver mass. Liver Transpl 2005
  • Colli A. Accuracy of ultrasonography, spiral CT, MRI, and alpha-fetoprotein in diagnosing HCC: a systematic review. Am J Gastroenterol 2006
  • Khalili KT. Implementation of AASLD HCC practice guideline in north America: two years of experience. Hepatology 2008
  • Kim SE. Noninvasive diagnostic criteria for hepatocellular carcinoma in hepatic masses >2cm in a hepatitis B virus-endemic area. Liver international 2011
  • Forner A. Diagnosis of hepatic nodules 20mm or smaller in cirrhosis: prospective validation of the noninvasive diagnostic criteria for HCC. Hepatology 2008
  • Sangiovanni A. The diagnostic and economic impact of contrast imaging technique in the diagnosis of small HCC in cirrhosis. Gut 2010
  • Kim TK. Analysis of gadobenatedimeglumine-enhanced MR findings for characterizing small (1-2cm) hepatic nodules in patients at high risk for HCC. Radiology 2011

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